Stress is thought to give us a surge of energy in the face of danger. However in the
long term stress can burn us out. Doctors say that stress creates an adrenaline rush
which tenses muscles, increases heart rate and quickens breathing. Unfortunately this
can lead to other, not so pleasant symptoms such as insomnia, digestive problems and
exhaustion along with a lowering of the immune system which may lead to further
Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Start now by going for a walk,
swim, jog or cycle. You could even take up dancing, like Darren Gough, and change
your life forever.
Although exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you're stressed it helps you
function more efficiently. Amazingly, just 30 minutes of physical activity can
significantly improve your clarity of mind. Physical activity burns off excess
adrenaline and its effects by relaxing the muscles and lowering heart rate.
Additionally, you need to maintain good nutrition and ensure you get plenty of
sleep and rest. Individually these 3 actions will help you deal with stress.
Collectively they could make a significant difference to the quality of your life.
The feel-good factor in exercise cannot be over-estimated, so get started today!